Find a Great Place to Live!
It’s a great time to find the Apartment, Condo or Home that you’ve been looking for. This time of year serves as the largest volume of turn-overs in the rental market. We have more inventory in the Spring than any other time so contact your Leasing Professional NOW! 417-337-RENT.
Already Settled?
It is time to begin thinking about spring clean-up in the home you live in. There are a few things that you can do to keep the home in great shape.
It’s a great time to de-clutter and de-trash unwanted items. Often the city or county you live in has Spring Clean-up days where they come around to the various neighborhoods and pick up larger items or brush and limbs. Check your local municipal website or county website to find out dates and times. Below are some helpful resources.
City of Branson Annual Spring Clean Up April 20 th – 23rd
City of Hollister Spring Clean Up April 14th
Taney County Annual Spring Clean up April 10 th
and 11th
Now is also a good time to replace the batteries in smoke detectors as well as replacing HVAC filters—doing so now also gives you a great opportunity to verify that the air conditioning is operating well. Give it a good test run before waiting until the heat really kicks in.
Other Helpful Spring Cleaning Tips