If you are the handy type who is capable of fixing some common household issues without calling a professional for maintenance problems, you could save yourself some bucks. Tackling some small projects yourself can also help avoid a delay in scheduling with the maintenance company. There are multiple advantages to fixing minor issues yourself including saving money, time, and hassle; not to mention some people just plain enjoy this type of work. Some common problems can easily be fixed without the help of maintenance staff if you use these small tips for repairing simple issues.
An overflowing toilet can be scary, inconvenient, and uncomfortable especially if you are expecting guests any time soon. There could be a few different reasons why the water is overflowing in your toilet. Some of these reasons include the drainage being clogged or the floater being cut off thereby allowing continuous flow of water. If your water is overflowing out of your toilet bowl, the first thing you should do is turn the water supply off at your toilet. If your toilet is simply clogged, grab a plunger and pump the plunger several times to see if you can get the clog free. When you think the blockage has been removed, you can flush the pipes with water to make sure it is running smoothly. You may want to clean your toilet bowl after having a clog because it can create a pool of dirty water in your toilet.
Opening windows that are stuck shut could be another taxing chore on your to do list. If you have a utility knife and a hammer, you can very carefully try to lift the window open again. Be very careful when trying this method as you do not want to break the window or damage the frame. Simply score the line between the frame of the window and the sash. If that doesn’t work then try wedging a putty knife between the frame and the sash.
Hopefully these tips can help with any simple maintenance issues you’re having. Maintenance issues that are as simple as these things will be much easier and cheaper to just fix yourself. If you try these tips and it doesn’t solve the problem, you can fill out a maintenance request online by clicking here or submit any maintenance requests in writing to our office.