With the rise of internet technology, more and more people are choosing to work from home, start their own home-based business, or work as remote freelancers. People who want to work at home, and are able, are often happier, healthier, and more productive than their office working counterparts.
But working from home does not come without some drawbacks. There is no one there to keep you on track when the couch is calling you for a nap or you’re wanting to binge-watch your favorite show on Netflix. However, if you are determined to make working from home your priority and you want to boost your productivity, you should check out these tips.
You need to be fully dressed when you start to work
Working in your pajamas all day, is a huge benefit that you can enjoy when working from home. And while many people certainly like this work style, it can also have a direct impact on your productivity...or lack thereof. If you exercise regularly, you may be tempted to wear workout clothes while working, rushing through your job duties to hurry to roll out the mat for your workout. It is helpful to avoid working in casual clothes as it can affect your productivity. When you are fully dressed instead of wearing pajamas or workout clothes, it can boost your productivity.
Create a separate space just for work
Your home may have a limited amount of free space which can make it difficult for you to create an entirely separate office. Do your best to create as much separation as possible between your personal space and your workplace. Try making a floating desk that can be easily packed away at the end of the day. The key is to create as much of a boundary as possible between your workspace and home and family space.
Many people working from home find it very difficult to focus on work when they have a large pile of laundry to be done or a sink full of dishes that they keep looking at. When you isolate these types of distractions, it will be easy for you to focus on your work and be productive.
Set firm boundaries
Most people who have worked in an office know the frustration that comes from trying desperately to focus on their job only to be interrupted frequently by a steady stream of coworkers. While employees are sure to have some distractions in an office environment, it can be even worse for people who are working from their homes. For example, a friend may be hesitant to call you at your office to invite you to attend a birthday party or to chit chat, but they won’t think twice about calling you at home -- even if you are working and on the clock.
It is also easy for family members, friends, and neighbors to visit you during working hours when you work from home, unlike if you are working in an office. Do your best to set boundaries for your workplace, or you may never get your work done.
Take the time to design your workspace
It is unlikely that you have worked in an office during your career, when you had confusion as to whether you were in an office or someone's home. Similarly, you probably have never walked into someone's home and thought you had made a mistake and had walked into an office. Homes and offices have different designs for a reason.
As you are working from home, however, take the time to design your workspace and do your best to understand the basics of designing a good office space and incorporate these ideas into your workplace design.
Set a schedule and stick to it
People working from home, who go to bed and get up roughly the same time every day, often no longer need to use an alarm clock, and they even enjoy better sleep. Sticking to a regular sleep schedule allows your body to help regulate itself, by releasing hormones in the evening that help prepare you for sleep and they will also help to wake you up in the morning.
The hormones will allow you to have more restful sleep, which can help you become more productive throughout the day. When you set a schedule and stick with it, the more your body can help you become productive.
Being productive in an office environment is not an easy task, but working from home doesn't make it any easier. The main difference between working from home or working in an office is that you can minimize distractions in your own home that you might not have control over in an office. Follow these tips to boost your productivity while working from home and feel more successful in meeting your everyday career goals.